“Quintas da Baixa”

Quintas da Baixa’ is an exclusive project of the Associação de Desportos e Natureza – Ponta do Sol (ADN Ponta do Sol), in strategic partnership with Retoiça – Associação Cultural, Desportiva e Recreativa (Retoiça – Cultural, Sporting and Recreational Association. This event aims to bring recreational and cultural dynamism to some of the summer evenings on Ponta do Sol beach.

This project under the umbrella of ADN Ponta do Sol takes, place every Thursday, during the months of July and August, between 8.30pm and 10.30pm, in the bar ‘A Baixa’.

The ‘Quintas da Baixa’ are ‘ embodied’ through musical concerts, inviting bands of the most diverse styles (Jazz; Bossa Nova; Blues; Pop-Pock; World Music; etc.). The shows are usually divided into two sets of 45 minutes, each separated by an interval of half an hour. These concerts are free entrance.

+ Info: Official Website

Event Details
  • Start Date
    18/07/2024 20:30
  • End Date
    22/08/2024 22:30
  • Status
  • Location
  • Category
  • Address
    Bar "A Baixa" - Ponta do Sol