Cine Nature is the exhibition, on a giant screen, of the regional documentary “Rota do Contrabando” (Smuggling Route), in a rural urban space with a strong natural component, so that it can be felt and experienced in symbiosis with the energy of Nature.
Movie: “Rota do Contrabando” (Smuggling.Route)
“At the beginning of the last century, Madeira was known as the brandy island. Excessive consumption of this drink becomes a social problem. In 1927, 34 sugar cane mills closed, production decreased, and its commercialization was controlled. Alternatively, the people began to clandestinely produce their own brandy from wine lees, an activity severely punished by the authorities. From north to south of the island, illicit transport began, covering 25 km with around 50 litres on one’s backs and, despite several arrests, the activity lasted approximately 50 years along trails that became known as the route of smuggling.”
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